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Angela Russell

Angela Russell, WVC Math facultyOffice: Wenatchi Hall 2231
Phone: 509-682-6744

B.S., Math, Westminster College
M.S., Physics, University of Utah

I’ve taught math at WVC since 1995. I teach everything from elementary algebra to multivariable calculus, and I’ve taught a physics class once. While at WVC I’ve been honored with two Student Choice Awards--Most Animated and Most Energetic...back when I was much younger.

I love being part of students’ transformation. Attending college is a significant decision for most of our students. It’s new and exciting and scary. I love being able to help them enjoy and value the experience. Wenatchee Valley College is the perfect place to start the journey because of the small classes and individual attention. Faculty genuinely care about the students’ success.

Math is one of those subjects that people love to hate. I feel one of my most important jobs, especially in the developmental courses, is to help students overcome their fear of math. Often, a bad experience five, 10 or 20 years ago has stuck in a student’s mind. I need to get in there and convince them that it’s not really that bad, that they can do it and that it’s fun! Deriving the quadratic formula or computing the volume of a funky shape using disks or washers are two of my favorite lessons. They both have a beauty and elegance that students will sometimes admit to (if no one else is around). Some students think I’m a bit crazy, but most still enjoy the experience.

One of my favorite comments that I hear from students is, “I’ve never really gotten it before, but now I understand it.” Now, I can’t take all (any?) of the credit. Sometimes it’s just the right time in the student’s life to learn math. But to be there for the moment is the best!