Policies & Procedures
Wenatchee Valley College policies and procedures provide the college community with
a written record of current board policies and college operational procedures. Although
the policies and procedures are established primarily to guide and assist employees
in performing their assigned functions, many policies and procedures have wide applicability
- they affect both academic and administrative areas, all employees, or the activities
of the college as they relate to students, alumni, the community and the general public.
Policies and procedures are generally applicable to more than one department or division
of the college. Matters that pertain only to the internal policies, procedures, practices
or guidelines of a given department or division are not considered within the scope
of board policy or college operational procedure and are therefore omitted.
All policies and procedures WILL SOON be available below as downloadable Word documents by clicking on the policy or procedure number. Clicking on the title of the policy or procedure will take you to the related webpage.
Jump to section: General - Administration - Instruction - Student Services - Human Resources -
Administrative Services - Technology
Policy |
Procedure |
Title |
200.100 | Delegation of Authority | |
200.110 | 1200.110 | Signature Authority |
200.120 | Organizational Management | |
200.125 | Public Relations & Publications | |
200.127 | Photo Release/Testimonial | |
200.130 | Speakers | |
200.140 | Disruptive Activities | |
200.145 | Interference With Operations | |
200.150 | Commercial Solicitation | |
200.155 | 1200.155 | Art & Memorial |
200.160 | Emergency Procedures | |
200.170 | Solicitation of Funds | |
200.180 | Distribution of Materials | |
200.190 | Commercial Activities | |
200.200 | Closure of the College | |
1200.220 | Grant Development & Approval |
Student Services
Human Resources
Administrative Services
Policy |
Procedure |
Title |
700.100 | Electronic Information Resources | |
700.110 | Electronic Messaging | |
700.115 | Email Retention | |
700.120 | 1700.120 | Email Distribution List Use |
700.125 | Acceptable & Ethical Use | |
700.170 | 1700.170 | Information Technology Accessibility |
700.200 | Privacy | |
1700.205 | Computer Access for Non-Students | |
700.210 | World Wide Web Privacy | |
700.400 | Security | |
700.900 | Discipline & Remedies | |
710.000 | Administrative Technology | |
710.100 | Assignment of Accounts | |
710.210 | Written Agreement to Comply | |
710.250 | WVC World Wide Web | |
710.300 | Hardware & Software Standards | |
710.310 | Purchase of Hardware & Software | |
710.500 | 1710.500 | Mobile Communication Devices |