Wenatchee Valley College has an excellent benefit package including health, dental,
life and long-term disability insurance, retirement and optional tax-deferred retirement
The benefit information presented below is a summary of college provided benefits.
This information is subject to change and subject to the provisions of any legislative
mandates, collective bargaining agreements and college policy changes. For more detailed
information about Wenatchee Valley College employee benefits, please contact the human
resource office at 509-682-6440 or email or
The college health benefits are negotiated through the state of Washington Health
Care Authority. Coverage begins on the first day of the following month or if you
start work on the first working day of the month, coverage begins that day. Non-permanent
hourly employees who work at least half-time and are expected to be employed for less
than six months are not eligible. However, if the employment continues beyond the
initial six-month period, the employee may apply for coverage to be effective on the
first day of the seventh calendar month of employment. The Health Care Authority also
has eligibility rules regarding seasonal employees.
Faculty employees who are tenured, tenure track and interim appointees who work half-time
or more in an instructional year or equivalent 9 month seasonal basis are eligible
for college sponsored health benefits for a full twelve month period. The employee
premiums for summer coverage are deducted in June.
Employees who have other options for comprehensive medical insurance do not have to
participate in the college’s health benefit’s plan.
Employees can choose from four Uniform Medical plans. To go directly to Uniform Medical-Regence, go to Employees pay a portion of their medical care cost through payroll deduction. The employee premium is based on the employee’s choice of plan and coverage for lawful spouses, state-registered domestic partners, and dependent children. Click below to go to the Public Employees Benefit Board (PEBB)/Health Care Authority (HCA) website
Benefit-eligible employees have a choice of dental plans. Options include, Uniform Dental (Group 3000), a state of Washington preferred provider plan and DeltaCare (Group 3100), a managed care plan. The coverage options vary based on plan selection. Currently, employees do not pay a premium for dental insurance.
Vision insurance is included with employee health insurance plans although, as you know, you have to make a vision plan choice or be defaulted into MetLife Vision. Employees do not pay a separate premium for vision coverage. See Uniform Medical Plan (PEBB) Certificate of Coverage for more information.
Starting January 1, 2025, our vision choices are Davis Vision by MetLife, EyeMed and MetLife Vision. Annual eye exams are covered in full up to $200, then 80% of the balance, and glasses and/or contact lenses are covered up to $200* over two calendar years (renews every odd year). Employees do not pay a separate premium for vision coverage.
For more information on vision plans and benefits, see
*these are in network benefits. Out of network benefits are different for each plan.
This is a calendar year plan whereby benefit-eligible employees can set aside money from each paycheck—before taxes—to pay for out-of-pocket medical expenses. Starting in 2022, certain unspent funds may carry over into the following year without affecting annual maximums. Annual contributions can be between $120 and $3,200. Medical expense reimbursements can be requested for the employee, their spouse, and their IRS eligible dependents.
If you have at least $120 left in your Medical FSA from 2024, the leftover amount (up to $660) will carry over to a Medical FSA for 2025. If you enroll in a consumer-directed health plan for 2025 and still have at least $120 in your Medical FSA from the previous year, the leftover amount may be converted to a Limited Purpose FSA.
For more information on an FSA, and a Limited Purpose FSA, see
Collective Bargaining Agreement Medical FSA Funds Remaining
On December 31, a subscriber has $250 left in their FSA (that was established by their collective bargaining agreement [CBA]). If they enroll in an FSA, the $250 will carry over and be added to their FSA election for the next plan year. If they do not enroll in an FSA, the $250 will still carry over to establish an FSA for their use in the next plan year.
If they enroll in a CDHP and a Limited Purpose FSA, the $250 will carry over and be added to their Limited Purpose FSA election for the next plan year.
If they do not enroll in an FSA, the $250 will still carry over to establish a Limited Purpose FSA for their use in the next plan year.
Employees enrolled in the consumer-directed health plan will also be enrolled in an
HSA. An HSA is a tax-exempt account that the employee, employer or anyone can deposit
funds into on your behalf. Any amount that you contribute can be deducted from your
taxable income, giving you a tax savings. You can use the funds in your HSA to pay
for IRS qualified out-of-pocket medical expenses (such as deductibles, copays, and
coinsurance), including some expenses and services that may not be covered by your
health plan. You can spend HSA funds on medical expenses for your spouse or other
tax dependents, even if they are not covered under your plan.
Employees who enroll in a CDHP with a health savings account (HSA) have access to
a fairly new benefit: the Limited Purpose FSA. It allows you to set aside pre-tax
funds for dental and vision expenses, saving your HSA funds for medical expenses.
SmartHealth is Washington's voluntary wellness program that supports you on your journey toward living well. Employees and their spouse or state-registered domestic partner enrolled in PEBB medical coverage can participate and employees can qualify for a $125 wellness incentive.
The college provides $35,000 in basic life insurance for death and $5,000 basic accidental death and dismemberment insurance at no cost to the eligible employees. Part-time faculty employees who are eligible for health insurance are also eligible for term life insurance benefits. Employees can enroll in additional low cost optional life insurance benefits for themselves, their spouse, state-registered domestic partner and dependents. Upon retirement, employees can apply for conversion of their term life insurance into a whole life policy. If you already have a MetLife account and wish to check your coverage or add or change a beneficiary, login at the following link:
If you have supplemental life insurance coverage, MetLife offers a variety of services including grief counseling and will preparation services.
The Will Preparation Service is offered as part of MetLife's Supplemental Life Insurance plans. Will Preparation is offered by MetLife Legal Plans, Inc., a MetLife Company. One of the planning services included with MetLife AdvantagesSM, the Will Preparation Service provides eligible employees and their spouse/domestic partner with face-to-face access to participating MetLife Legal Plans attorneys who can help prepare or update wills, living wills, and powers of attorney at no additional charge. Will preparation services performed by attorneys who do not participate in the MetLife Legal Plans network are reimbursed according to a set fee schedule. Login to your MetLife account and click on the Will Preparation Services link or call 800-821-6400.
The college provides a basic employer-paid long term disability (LTD) plan at no cost to the employee. Part-time faculty employees
who are eligible for health insurance are also eligible for LTD coverage. This plan
pays a benefit between $100 and $240 per month 90 days after disability certification
or the period of accumulated sick leave, whatever is longer.
Employees will automatically be enrolled in employee-paid long-term disability insurance, with a 90-day waiting period. Employee-paid LTD insurance
provides 60 percent of the first $16,667 of your pre-disability earnings, up to a
maximum of $10,000 per month, reduced by any deductible income. Employees may change
the benefit to 50% or opt out/decline employee-paid coverage completely (click on
"Learn More" to get the LTD enrollment/change form). This is an after-tax benefit;
therefore, any benefits received from this plan are tax free.
The last time I checked, the benefit payout will only last until you are eligible for social security...keep that in mind as you get closer to that age.
Classified employees are eligible to participate in a state of Washington Public Employees Retirement
System (PERS) plan. PERS has two plans that a new employee can participate in. The
PERS Plan 2 is a defined benefit plan. The PERS Plan 3 is a defined benefit plan with
a defined contribution plan component. Learn more at Choose your plan.
Exempt and faculty employees, first hired on or after July 1, 2011, are eligible to participate in either
the State Board Retirement Plan (SBRP) or the state of Washington Public Employees’
Retirement (PERS) plan 3 (for exempt) or the Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS) plan
3 (for faculty). The PERS and TRS 3 plans are defined benefit plans with a defined
contribution plan component. The SBRP is administered by the Teachers Insurance and
Annuity Association (TIAA). This plan has a dollar for dollar college match. Employees
begin the plan on their first date of hire. Employees are immediately 100% vested
in their contributions and the college’s contributions. The employee and employer
contributions are 5% (up to age 35), 7.5% (ages 35-49) and 10% (age 50+). More information
about these options is available at SBRP or PERS 3 or TRS 3.
Part-time faculty employees, first hired on or after July 1, 2011, are eligible to participate in either
the State Board Retirement Plan (SBRP) or the state of Washington Teachers’ Retirement
System (TRS) plan 3 if they work a cumulative total of at least fifty percent of a
full-time workload, as defined by the college, at one or more college districts for
two consecutive quarters. The retirement benefit begins at the beginning of the second
consecutive quarter. The part-time faculty employee continues retirement participation
unless they have a break in service (other than summer quarter). If a break in service
occurs, the employee must re-qualify under the two consecutive quarter rule. More
information about these options is available at SBRP or TRS 3.
Part-time faculty employees who currently belong to a state-sponsored plan can continue
with that plan in lieu of participation in the SBRP (i.e. Public Employee Retiree
System (PERS), Teachers Retirement System (TRS)). Learn more at Department of Retirement Systems.
Can you retire early? Important information and questions to ask yourself.
The college offers the opportunity to participate in supplemental retirement programs in addition to the employee’s regular retirement. An employee can voluntarily set aside a portion of their income in a tax-deferred or after tax (Roth) State Board voluntary investment (403(b)) programs. Employees of the college can also participate in the state of Washington’s deferred compensation (457) program. These programs are easily set-up and provide for employee flexibility. Learn more at State Board Voluntary Investment Program or Washington state Deferred Compensation Program. Click here for a comparison of the two different supplemental retirement programs.
If you choose to enroll in the 403(b) plan with TIAA, you will also need to fill out a supplemental retirement salary reduction agreement form available on our HR website under resources.
Employees can set aside pretax dollars to pay for out-of-pocket dependent care expenses. This program provides a simple, efficient and cost-effective opportunity for savings. Employees may be able to save hundreds of dollars in taxes annually if they have children under the age of 13 or dependent spouse who require care assistance. Employees can sign up to participate upon hire or during the open enrollment period offered each year.
Classified employees are entitled to bereavement leave and to accrue sick, vacation, personal
holiday and personal leave (union-represented positions only).
Exempt employees are entitled to bereavement leave and to accrue sick, vacation and personal
holiday leave.
Full-time faculty employees are entitled to accrue sick leave and personal leave.
Part-time faculty employees are entitled to accrue sick leave.
Temporary & student hourly employees are entitled to accrue sick leave.
The Washington Guaranteed Education Tuition Program, or GET, is a qualified tuition program under Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code. GET offers Washington families a safe, affordable and easy way to save for college. You must register/enroll with the program and submit the request to payroll so they can take the deduction.
The college is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for all employees. The Washington State Department of Labor & Industries works with the college to explore workplace solutions for employees needing ergonomic assessments. Please visit the Labor and Industries website for information, training modules and other resources.
If you have questions about workplace ergonomics, please contact the human resources office for more information.
Employees can take most credit classes at a reduced cost when space is available and
certain conditions are met.
Faculty employed at 50% or more and permanent classified or exempt staff may take
almost any credit class on a space-available basis if requirements and prerequisites
have been met. The basic cost is $5.00, plus any fees associated with that class.
To get the reduced tuition rate, the employee may not register until the date listed
in the enrollment calendar (usually the sixth day of the quarter). Hourly and probationary
employees are not eligible for this reduced tuition. Contact the registration office
for details and/or click on Tuition Fee Waiver under the Resources and Forms tab.
Benefit-eligible employees can get a special discounted rate on auto, home, and renters insurance through Liberty Mutual, a respected insurer since 1912. Liberty Mutual offers the convenience of paying through payroll deduction; members who do not qualify for payroll deductions will be given other payment options.
Congress created the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program as an incentive to recruit and retain full-time public service employees. The PSLF program offers complete federal student loan forgiveness benefits in return for qualifying public service work, meaning that it allows you to wipe out your outstanding federal loans in exchange for working in a public service field (like teaching, nursing, military, government positions, etc.). Employees must meet all qualifications in order to be eligible for the PSLF program such as full-time employment, 120 student loan payments, Federal Direct student loans, etc. The PSLF program is open to ALL qualified public service employees, including Washington State government employees. New employees receive the following letter.
Upon retirement, all eligible, participating employee groups can have a tax-free transfer of one quarter of sick leave benefits into a health reimbursement plan in lieu of a cash sick leave payout which would be taxable compensation. This is an IRC governed plan and mandatory participation is required based on a group election. These dollars can be used for post-retirement health expenses including health insurance premiums. See WVC's Sick Leave Buy-out Policy & Procedure.
For those full time employees that have the state board retirement plan (most exempt and faculty), the plan offers a chance to ask the college administration to go from full time to part time without fully retiring yet retaining all benefits. Participation is not a right and percent of full time work is not guaranteed.
You can read all about it by going to the State Board website, click on 401(a) State Board Retirement Plan under SBRP Handbooks and Plan Documents and go to Article 6.1(a).
A person wishing to apply for it needs to write to executive director of human resources asking to be considered for phased retirement. The director will forward to the appropriate dean and president. If accepted, a phased retirement agreement form will need to be filled out and signed by the executive director of human resources or Tim Marker. The phased retirement agreement form is on the same website as the plan document if you wish to look at it.
If you have trouble opening documents from the state board website, check out their troubleshooting guidance on the right side of their webpage.
Please Note: All information above is subject to change and subject to the provisions of any legislative mandates, collective bargaining agreements and college policy changes.