Adult Basic Skills fall orientations

WVC Adult Basic Education fall orientations

Media Contact
: Aaron Parrott, adult basic skills coordinator, 509.682.6795, or Libby Siebens, executive director community relations, 509.682.6436 (Mon. – Thurs.)

The Wenatchee Valley College Adult Basic Skills program is taking appointments in person or by phone for fall-quarter orientations and entrance testing. Orientations will run through September.

The Adult Basic Skills program offers adult basic education (ABE) classes for reading, writing and math, as well as English as a second language (ESL) courses. Classes cost $35 per quarter. For placement into these courses, students must attend an orientation.

To make an appointment, students may call 509.682.6790, or visit the adult basic skills office in Wells Hall on the Wenatchee campus.

Orientations will last about four hours and will include screening, testing, advising and registration. During the screening, ESL students will take an oral exam, ABE students a writing exam. Testing will include reading and listening tests for ESL students, and reading and math tests for ABE students. Students taking both ABE and ESL courses will take reading, listening and math tests. Students will meet with instructors to review their test scores, register and pay their tuition.

Adult basic education classes at WVC begin Monday, Sept. 23.
