Omak College Civics Week

Secretary of State Kim Wyman visits Wenatchee Valley College at Omak May 6

Secretary of State Kim Wyman will visit the Wenatchee Valley College at Omak campus at 9 a.m. on Monday, May 6, in Mary Henrie Friendship Hall, to encourage students to vote as part of College Civics Week. Laurie Thomas, Okanogan County Auditor, will also be on campus to electronically register students to vote.

College Civics Week will be taking place May 6through 10. The College Civics program started in 2005 to improve students' understanding of elections and empower Washington's youngest voters to make real changes in their communities and the world. Currently more than 60 campuses throughout Washington state participate in College Civics. Student and staff ambassadors to the College Civics Week program have registered thousands of college-age voters and organized on-campus civic education events.

For more information, visit the College Civics Week Web page at
