Foundation funding 2014-15

WVC Foundation approves funding to support WVC for 2014-15

Media Contact: Stacey Lockhart, WVC Foundation executive director, 509.682.6415

The Wenatchee Valley College Foundation Board of Directors unanimously approved $587,398 in funding to support WVC for 2014-2015. Funding will benefit students, programs, faculty and staff on both the Wenatchee and Omak campuses.

"The WVC Foundation is pleased to be able to provide this funding to WVC," said Ron Lodge, WVC Foundation President. "Our board of directors and Foundation staff work with the college administration to identify the highest priority needs on campus, and then with alumni, friends of the college, foundations, and corporations to identify how to meet those needs."

Approved funding includes over $150,000 in scholarship and veteran work-study support, $186,500 in faculty and staff support (professional development and salaries, recognition and presidential support), $111,653 in program support, $50,000 for the college's 75th anniversary (which includes a speaker series, community celebration and events throughout the year), $55,000 for student childcare and emergency financial support, and a gift of $25,000 to the college to assist with unexpected needs.

"We are fortunate in that we have had alumni and friends throughout the years who had the foresight to set aside special funds with us so that we would be in a position to help students, faculty and staff far into the future. These special funds that have been set aside provide us the ability to underwrite faculty and staff development and student scholarships annually," Lodge said.

"The gifts that our alumni and friends can afford to make every day allow the WVC Foundation to be responsive and, in some cases, very timely in our ability to step up and fill in the gaps that declining state funding leaves in its wake," said Stacey Lockhart, WVC Foundation Executive Director.

The WVC Foundation works with many donors who have a passion for a particular program or memories of when they attended college. The Foundation also works with WVC alumni, faculty and staff, friends of the college, and family members who wish to honor loved ones, and to establish annual and permanent scholarships and endowments that meet the donors' philanthropic intent.

"The financial support from hundreds of alumni, faculty and staff, friends, and industry partners position us to be able to support the college at this level. And we take our mission very seriously; the WVC Foundation exists to support the needs of the college, and we take great pride in being able to do so year after year," Lockhart said.

To make a gift to the WVC Foundation, give online through the WVC Foundation secure giving site,, send a check with a note about how the gift should be used to the WVC Foundation, 1300 Fifth Street, Wenatchee WA 98801, or call to schedule a time to explore areas in need of support that may fit your philanthropic interests related to education. The WVC Foundation can be reached at 509.682.6410.

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The WVC Foundation was incorporated in 1971. It exists to build relationships between the community and the college and raise financial support for Wenatchee Valley College students, programs, faculty and staff, as well as special projects such as building campaigns like the Music and Art Center. For information on how to make a gift to the foundation, establish a scholarship or include the WVC Foundation in your estate plans, contact Stacey Lockhart, executive director at 509.682.6410 or


