WVC Open House
Wenatchee Valley College Open House September 27
Media Contact: Erin Tofte-Nordvik, director of diversity, equity and inclusion, 509.682.6868; Kyla O’Connor, registrar, 509.682.6835; or Libby Siebens, community relations executive director, 509.682.6436 (Mon. – Thurs.)
August 30, 2016
The community is invited to a Wenatchee Valley College Open House on Tuesday, Sept. 27, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. The event begins in Van Tassell Center.
The open house is an opportunity to apply for admission to winter-quarter classes at WVC. During an information session, provided in English and Spanish, participants will learn about options to help pay for college—such as financial aid, scholarships and workforce education funding—and about career tracks and educational paths. Visitors can also take campus tours and meet current WVC students, faculty and staff.
Free pizza will be available and raffle prizes will be given away. Children’s activities will be provided.
For more information, contact Kyla O’Connor, 509.682.6835, or Erin Tofte-Nordvik, 509.682.6868 (hablo Español).