Freedom Riders exhibit on display at WVC through March 9
Media Contacts:
Libby Siebens, executive director community relations, 509-682-6436
Laura Singletary, director of student programs, 509-682-6865
Freedom Riders exhibit on display at WVC through March 9
In recognition of Black History Month, a special viewing of the Gilder Lehrman Institute
of American History Freedom Riders will be on display through March 9. The exhibit,
presented by the ASWVC Senate and the Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, is
in the Van Tassell Lounge.
The Freedom Riders exhibit is a travelling exhibit created in partnership with WGBH Boston/The American Experience. The self-proclaimed "Freedom Riders" challenged the customs of a racially segregated society by performing a disarmingly simple act — traveling together in small interracial groups, and sitting where they pleased on buses and trains. Demanding unrestricted access to terminal restaurants and waiting rooms, they were met with bitter racism, mob violence and imprisonment along the way. But their courage and sacrifice over eight months in 1961 changed America forever.
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Wenatchee Valley College enriches North Central Washington by serving educational and cultural needs of communities and residents throughout the service area. The college provides high-quality transfer, liberal arts, professional/technical, basic skills and continuing education for students of diverse ethnic and economic backgrounds. Visit our website at