Wenatchee Valley College offers five, five-credit classes in anthropology: introduction to anthropology, physical anthropology, sociocultural anthropology, principles of archaeology and cross-cultural studies as well as an opportunity for independent study. These classes contribute toward the social sciences requirement (15 credits) for the associate of arts and sciences degree.
Field trips and mock archaeological digs are part of the course work, especially on the Omak campus. Some anthropology classes on the Wenatchee campus are delivered in interactive television (ITV) rooms. Students meet regularly at a specific time and in pre-arranged rooms where they can watch and participate in live teleconferenced sessions.
Anthropology Student Feature
Larry Scroggins, a Wenatchee Valley College at Omak student, is pictured here with
a tree leaf fossil. Scroggins discovered a rare insect fossil at Stonerose Interpretive
Center in Republic, Wash. The trip to the fossil site was part of an Introduction
to Anthropology class assignment. To read more about Scroggins' discovery, click here.