Student Right to Know
Wenatchee Valley College is providing the following information regarding our institution’s graduation and transfer-out rates. The information is provided in compliance with the “Student Right to Know and Campus Security Act” (P.L. 101-542), which was passed by Congress November 9, 1990. These data are based on data submitted to the Department of Education’s National Center for Educational Statistics through the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, commonly known as IPEDS.
Graduation Rate
The graduation rate is based on an entering fall quarter cohort of students who are new to college, attending full time (12 or more credits), taking courses that can lead to a degree or certificate and are not dually enrolled in high school. The time allowed for graduation is 150% of the time normally required for the highest undergraduate degree offered by a college or university.
Transfer Out Rate
The transfer out rate uses the same cohort of students as the graduation rate, except is looks at the number
of students who did not graduate, but transferred to another college or university.
This is important, as community colleges have significant numbers of students who
transfer to four-year institutions for a baccalaureate degree.
*Note that in fall quarter of 2017, Wenatchee Valley College began to offer four-year Bachelors of Applied Science degrees. This moved the college’s 150% cohort timeline from three to six years. Therefore, the fall cohort year moved back to fall of 2011.
These numbers do not reflect on the actual graduation or transfer rates of Wenatchee Valley College students. The majority of WVC students do not fit into the narrowly defined cohorts required by the Department of Education. Many of the college’s students begin their college experience in quarters other than fall quarter, many start college as part-time students or are participants in Washington’s Running Start program. Many begin their college experience taking courses that do not directly apply to a traditional college degree or certificate. Graduation and transfer rates for all WVC students are higher.