Most students enrolled in a certificate or degree program at Wenatchee Valley College
take at least one English course, since language skills are valuable in all areas
of life. As part of the registration process, new WVC students seeking a degree or
certificate take the placement exam to determine if they are ready for 100-level and
above college classes in math and English. If their scores indicate a need for developmental
courses to strengthen their skills, they may enroll in basic writing and study skills
courses (ENGL 090, 092, 097) for credit.
Students for whom English is not their primary language may enroll in noncredit courses in English as a second language through WVC's academic skills department. ESL classes are held at the Wenatchee and Omak campuses and in several outlying areas throughout the college district.
College-level English courses at WVC include general composition; introduction to literature; creative writing, the essay, critical analysis, research, contemporary fiction, fantasy fiction, introduction to poetry and surveys of British, American and world literature. Special topics and independent studies are also available for credit.
The associate of arts and sciences (transfer) degree requires at least 10 credits of writing skills classes, with ENGL& 101 required, plus an additional 15 credits in the three areas of the humanities (to be selected from art, communications, English, foreign language, humanities, music, philosophy or theater arts). Almost all students earning an associate of technical sciences degree must take ENGL& 101 or at least one English course specific to the technical/professional program (such as Writing in the Workplace).