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Enrollment and Advising Sessions

Information Sessions for Wenatchee Main Campus

English Language, High School+, and Skill Development Classes

New and Former Students

If you would like more information or to request enrollment in ABE classes through the Wenatchee Main Campus, you can attend an Information Session.  Please attend one of the Information sessions listed below.

During that session, you will have the opportunity to sign up for an Enrollment Session to complete your enrollment for the upcoming quarter.

Current Students do not need to attend these sessions to continue their enrollment.  Instead, please fill out the "Continuing Student Course Request Form" on the "Course Request Forms" page.

New and Former Students, please attend one of the following Information Sessions:

Spring quarter Information Sessions are currently being planned.

Please check back soon for days and times.

If you did not attend one of the scheduled Information Sessions for the upcoming quarter, please contact the Transitional Studies Department Office (509-682-6790 or )

ABE classes available for English Language Learners through the Wenatchee Main Campus:
  • ABE 20, 21, and 22: Lower-level English Language Classes Levels A, B, and C
  • ABE 23 and 24: Higher-level English Language Classes Levels D and E
  • ABE 90 and 91: Speaking and Listening Classes Level 1 and 2
  • After completing ABE 22 English Level C, also consider:
    • ABE 61: Required Student Orientation Class, College and Life Skills
    • ABE 12, 13, 14: Digital Literacy and Computer Classes Levels I, II, and III
    • ABE 40, 41, 42: Math Levels Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced


ABE classes available for HS+ or Skill Development through the Wenatchee Main Campus:
  • ABE 61: Required Student Orientation Class, College and Life Skills
  • ABE 23, ABE 24: HS+ and English Language Development Levels D and E
  • ABE 40, 41, 42: Math Levels Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced
  • ABE 12, 13, 14: Digital Literacy and Computer Classes Levels I, II, and III
  • ABE 77: HS+ SPEED for High School Diploma Credit Completion in History, Science, Art, Fitness, Health, World Languages, and more 



All New and Former Students interested in ABE programs through the Wenatchee Main Campus must attend an Information Session and an Enrollment Session to be enrolled in ABE classes for the upcoming quarter.

If you cannot attend these sessions or the drop-in times listed above, please contact the Transitional Studies Department Office at 509-682-6790,, or Mish ee twie Office 1118


All Students Interested in ABE Classes through Omak, Nespelem, or Bridgeport

Please fill out the Omak Campus ABE Course Request form located on the "Course Request Forms" page.