ctcLink Employee Resources
This web page was designed to help guide employees in completing some essential tasks based on your role and department. These resources will help you answer the questions that start with: "How will I...?"
Click on the accordion box under the appropriate category for step-by-step instructions. Note: we will continue to add and refine information as it is developed. Check back often as you need help.
Activate My ctcLink Account
You only need to activate your account once. Remember to write down your new ctcLink ID (EMPLID). Note: those who activated accounts in test environments prior to ctcLink go-live must reactivate. Your ctcLink ID (EMPLID) will be the same.
Step-by-Step Directions:
- How to Activate Your ctcLink Account
- SBCTC Web Page: Activating Your ctcLink Account
- Reset your ctcLink Password
- Unlock your ctcLink Password
- EMPLID Lookup for Employees (Note: Login required, employees can login using their standard WVC username and password)
Jump to section: Human Resources & Payroll - Finance, Accounting & Purchasing - Manager Self-Service - Instruction - Faculty - Advising - Student Services
Human Resources & Payroll
Add, Change or Update Employee Information through Employee Self Service
Related training course: ES100 HCM Employee Self Service - Enroll Here
Step-by-Step Directions (links open a new tab)
Use the Personal Details tile to view and update personal information such as addresses, phone numbers and emergency contacts in ctcLink.
ctcLink includes built-in tools for employees to update their own personal information, including their home address, phone number, and other information.
ctcLink includes built-in tools for employees to update their own personal information, including their home address, phone number, and other information.
ctcLink includes built-in tools for employees to add and update their emergency contact. Your emergency contact information will be seen by the Human Resources team and your immediate supervisor.
ctcLink allows employees to directly add a direct deposit account to have their paycheck directly deposited. If no direct deposit information is added, ctcLink will create an account with U.S. Bank and your payment will be mailed to you on a FOCUS debit card.
ctcLink allows employees to directly set or update their W-4 Tax Withholding information.
ctcLink allows employees the option to submit or withdraw your concent to receive electronic W-2 forms.
ctcLink allows employees to directly update their own race or ethnicity information. The format of the self-identification and the categories available are maintained by SBCTC. We are able to request changes to the available identification options.
ctcLink allows employees to request the addition of a preferred name. Please email HR if you requested a preferred name through ctcLink because it is not an automated process.
Employee Time & Leave Reporting
Related training course: ES100 HCM Employee Self Service - Enroll Here
Step-by-Step Directions (links open a new tab)
ctcLink Self-Service has a process for employees to request leave.
- Absences taking place the 1st – 15th of the month need to be reported by the 15th
- Absences taking place the 16th – end of the month need to be reported by the last day of the month.
ctcLink Self-Service has a built-in process for faculty to request absences in advance, and to report absences. Please report any absences no later than the end of the pay period in which they take place.
- Absences taking place the 1st – 15th of the month need to be reported by the 15th
- Absences taking place the 16th – end of the month need to be reported by the last day of the month.
Employees can directly view their own leave balances.
Hourly and student employees need to use ctcLink to report their time worked so they can get paid. We highly recommend hourly and student workers submit their time worked every day to ensure all time is reviewed and approved before payroll.
Overtime-eligible classified and overtime-eligible exempt employees use ctcLink to report their time worked.
- Entering Time - Overtime-Eligible Classified or Overtime-Eligible Exempt Employees
- Exempt employees normally do not report time worked, unless you have been designated as overtime eligible. If working less than full time for the week (40 hours for most), an absence request (sick, vacation, leave without pay, etc.,) must be submitted.
For overtime-eligible classified and overtime-eligible exempt employees, it is important to follow the following guidelines for entering time on a holiday (contact HR if you have questions):
- under construction
Finance, Accounting & Purchasing
Related Training Courses - Enroll here
- PU100 Purchasing: Requisitions
- PU101 Purchasing: Purchase Orders
- PU102 Purchasing: Receipts and Maintenance
- PU103 Purchasing: P-Card
Step-by-Step Directions (links open a new tab)
ctcLink includes processes for travel and expenses.
ctcLink includes a built-in process for creating requisitions and routing it for approval.
Manager Self-Service
Related Training Course: MS100 HCM Manager Self-Service -Enroll here
Step-by-Step Directions (links open a new tab)
Managers need to approve timesheets (aka payable time) for their classified, overtime-eligible exempt, hourly, student employees (and volunteers). Hourly and student employees are only paid for time reported through ctcLink and that their manager approves.
Pay Period | Normal Pay Date | Timesheet Deadline |
1st to 15th of month | 25th day of month | By noon, first working day after pay period |
16th to end of month | 10th day of month | By noon, first working day after pay period |
- Timesheets for a pay period can be submitted and approved multiple times if changes need to be made.
- HR encourages hourly and student employees to submit their time worked each day. Managers
can approve time as it is submitted or weekly, and do not need to wait until the end
of the pay period to approve.
- Approve Payable Time (Fluid)
- Approve Payable Time as a Manager / Supervisor
Managers need to approve employee leave requests. Unapproved leave requests will not be subtracted from the employees leave balance.
Related Training Courses - Enroll here
- FW100 Faculty Workload
- FW200 Intermediate Faculty Workload
ctcLink has a built-in process for initiating pay for part-time teaching assignments called ‘Faculty Workload’ or FWL. This process allows instructor to view and sign their employment agreements online.
For training on this process, please contact Aimee Pope, Director of Instructional Services.
Related Training Courses - Enroll here
- CF100 Faculty Self Service
- CA100 Advisor Self-Service
Step-by-Step Directions (links open a new tab)
Contracts for part-time faculty and moonlight positions are no longer printed and mailed to instructors. (Full-time faculty contracts will continue to be mailed.) This guide will show you how to view and accept or rescind your contract(s) in ctcLink.
This documentation guide faculty through how to search for classes.
This documentation guide faculty through how to search for class rosters.
This documentation guides faculty through entering grades in ctcLink.
This documentation will show you how to view student holds.
This documentation will show you how to grant class permissions.
This documentation will show you how to process no show drops and drop for unmet prerequisites.
This documentation will show you how to view waitlists.
This documentation will show you how to view your teaching schedule. The video will also explain how to locate your class roster and grade roster.
Related Training Courses - Enroll here
- AA100 Academic Advisement Rules
- AS100 Academic Structure
- CA100 Advisor Self-Service
Step-by-Step Directions (links open a new tab)
Student Services
Any questions or comments regarding this page or other ctcLink resource pages, please contact Tim Marker.