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Club Resources

Whether you're looking for tips on what to consider as you plan an event, or how to get a better handle on running your club meeting, or looking for some tips for boosting club membership, check out the resources in the various sections below.


Inclusive Programming

We tend to think and operate based on our own knowledge and experiences. This happens not only in our day to day interactions and activities, but also when planning an event. It’s a habit. We don’t mean to leave anyone out. However, actively seeking to expand your world-view, challenging your perspectives, and seeking opportunities to learn and grow will help you, and your club operate more inclusively.

It is easy to get swept up in the planning and excitement of your event and forget to reflect on some very important considerations concerning inclusiveness. Inclusiveness encompasses a number of topics, each deserving of attention. Take some time to read through and reflect on the ways that you can implement more inclusive programming.

Gender bias is when you make an assumption about whether only males or females enjoy or engage in specific activities. This may be reflected in the language and images that you use on your event advertisements/marketing, decorations at your event, or other event logistics.

Labeling activities according to which gender you think will enjoy them is a form of non-inclusiveness. Be mindful of this when you are choosing the art, colors, words, and layout of your events.

Sexual orientation bias is when you assume that all your participants are of the same sexual orientation that you are. Again, this can be reflected in your marketing for the event. To be inclusive, you message should be clear that you welcome all persons.

For example, if holding a dance, you may explicitly state that same-sex couples are welcome. You could also show images of same-sex and heterosexual couples dancing. You are helping to create a welcoming and inclusive environment by acknowledging that couples do not just look to be of one particular sexual orientation.

Limiting participation based on an individual’s sexual orientation is another form of non-inclusiveness. Consider the statements that are made on your marketing for the club activity. Seek to let all persons know that they are welcome.

Racial and/or Ethnic bias is when you target or limit a specific group of participants based on their race and/or ethnicity. This is done again through the words and pictures you use to advertise the event, and even in the event activities.

For example, if holding a dance, consider choosing a variety of music that may be enjoyed by persons of other races/ethnicities. Consider decorating in a manner that reflects a variety of races/ethnicities. Perhaps you may even offer a variety of foods.

Structuring activities in a manner that does not welcome all races/ethnicities is another form of non-inclusiveness. Again, make sure that your programming demonstrates that all persons are valued and welcome.

As is stated at the beginning of this section, it is easy to forget to look beyond our own experiences. If you are not affected by a disability, then you may not consider how your event advertisement and/or set up limits potential participants.

Disabilities may be seen or unseen, don’t assume. A disability can affect people physically, either in body structure or functioning, it can affect an individual through restrictions in their activity, or it can affect someone’s ability to participate. Persons with disabilities may be affected by their physical and/or social environments. Additionally, just because someone may have the same disability as another, it does not mean that they are affected exactly the same way.

For more clarity and understanding on the forms of disability, check out this website: (Links to an external site.)

Be mindful of how you are promoting and structuring your event. As with the above topics, leaving someone out, whether intentionally or unintentionally, is not inclusive.

Religious and cultural biases are demonstrated when persons with religious beliefs, cultural rituals and/or traditions are not included. There are such a vast number of cultures and religions throughout the world. It can be daunting to imagine how to be inclusive to all. Instead, acknowledge that other beliefs, rituals, and traditions do exist in your immediate surroundings. Seek to be inclusive by informing yourself of other celebrations, both the time of year and the practices.

For example, if your event is during a time when other cultural or religious practices require fasting, perhaps you can acknowledge that by not having food at the event. Another example may be, if your event celebrates a holiday in a particular month, you can include practices for holidays of other cultures/religions that fall around that time as well.

Be considerate about other religions and cultures. Take the time to inform yourself, and as a club, about the celebrations and practices of others. Excluding an individual by means of disregarding their beliefs, rituals, and/or traditions is another form of non-inclusiveness.

According to the US Census Bureau 1 in 8 persons living in the US have a yearly income that is considered to fall below the poverty line. Poverty may affect people in a variety of ways, but participation in non-essential activities is one of them.

When participation in your event requires any kind of an expense, whether through entrance fees or having to travel to/from a location, you may be limiting who is able to attend.

Remember that your goal should be to include everyone in your event, not only to gain visibility and membership, but to enrich their college experience. If persons are not able to attend because of added financial burdens, that is a form of not being inclusive.

Planning events takes a lot of time and work. There are so many factors to consider. However, you should make inclusive programming one of your top priorities.

Give thought to who is included, or may be excluded by the way you market and structure your events. Demonstrate that you welcome everyone. Be intentional with your words. Carefully consider the graphics and colors you use on your event fliers. Deliberately seek to make your events a safe, welcoming, fun, and engaging place and experience for all.

 Holding Effective Meetings

Many clubs have limited opportunities for everyone to gather and discuss ideas, plan events, and stay informed about what’s happening on campus. For this reason, it is vital that meeting times be effective, allowing agenda items to be addressed and discussed, and a decision to be made when necessary.

The frequency of meetings will differ for each club, as you all have unique focus’, various group sizes, etc. Clubs may choose how often they meet, but are required to hold regular club meetings. This means establishing a day, time, and frequency that you adhere to throughout the academic year.

At times clubs may need to adjust their meeting day/time. This is allowable, but discouraged. While we want you to prioritize your classes, and therefore sometimes changes are unavoidable, we also want you to acknowledge that consistency is the key to maintaining active membership. Additionally, when deciding how often to meet, keep in mind that participation is often negatively impacted when there are longer spans of time between meetings, therefore, we recommend weekly or bi-weekly meetings.

There may be various times throughout the year when other circumstances influence your club activity and/or meetings. For example, just before or during finals, or during breaks between quarters. Whatever the reason, try to plan ahead. While consistency of meetings is important, please recognize that having a meeting just for the sake of meeting is unnecessary.


Steps to Event Planning

Planning and putting on events can be fun and rewarding, but also challenging, and maybe even a little overwhelming. Successful event planning requires a thoughtful, detailed approach in order to ensure the best possible outcome, but sometimes it is difficult to think through the various details.

Even more importantly, events typically involve the partnership of multiple departments, and therefore the details are vital to the success of your event!

In order to assist you in the process, and hopefully minimize the amount of frustration and stress, we have a step-by-step guide that we hope you will consider utilizing as you plan. Each event may have different needs, but most have the same basic structure.

Whether you’re putting on an event that your club does every year, or coming up with a brand new idea, you will need to come together as a club and determine what you want the event to look like.


 Recruitment & Retention

Clubs have unlimited opportunities to recruit new participants. There are a few things that clubs are asked to take part in that are directly related to recruitment, but any and every activity, event, project, etc. should be seen and utilized as an opportunity to gain membership.

Being a part of a club at a two-year school can have unique challenges due to the frequency of membership-turnover. But one way to ensure that your club, and perhaps club legacy, will continue on is to continuously recruit new members, and ultimately, new officers to lead the club.

Club Flier

Clubs are asked to create a flier that is posted outside the Knight’s Club Room. The club flier should contain the following information:

  • Club Name
  • A sentence or two letting others know the purpose of your club (limit to 2 sentences maximum)
  • Your meeting information
    • Day (include frequency of meetings: i.e. – “every-other Tuesday”; “every Friday”
    • Time (denote Am or PM)
    • Location (if off campus, provide the name and address)

When creating your flier be mindful of how easily others can read and understand it. It’s okay, and encouraged, to use pictures to capture the attention of readers. However, enveloping the words in a picture can make it difficult to read. Likewise, be mindful of the font and colors that you choose.

We recommend that you consider the following suggestions:

  • A font that is easy to read – clearly defined; legible; identifiable lettering
  • Bold lettering to make certain words stand out, particularly if you have pictures around the lettering
  • Black lettering, or if your background is dark, then white lettering
  • Consider making information stand out with bullet-points


  • WHO: Social Justice Club
  • WHAT: Club meetings
  • WHEN: Every Thursday at 2 PM
  • WHERE: Knight’s Club Room
  • WHY: Social Justice Club focus’ on bringing awareness about injustice towards minority groups. In partnership with community leaders, we target systematic-injustice, and seek to make positive change in perspectives and policy.

You may put your information in any order that seems fitting to you, but all the information should be stated to give a complete understanding to the reader, and allow them to make an informed decision about whether they want to join in and are able to make it to your meetings.


Each fall and spring quarter the Campus Life office, in partnership with ASWVC Senate, ASWVC Clubs, WVC departments, and Wenatchee community members put on a showcase. This is when everyone comes together, typically around the fountain, in hopes of gaining recognition and participation.

Showcase is a prime opportunity to gain visibility, as attendees are required to visit tables in order to take advantage of free food. Clubs are asked to be creative in coming up with an interactive game or activity in order to better engage with participants.

It is the intention that the interactions that you have with other students will lead to interest and participation in your club. Keep that in mind as you decide on what sort of activity you do at your table. Prepare for the interest of others by having a club flier and/or information sheet about your club available for reference. Additionally, create a membership “sign-up” sheet where you can collect names, phone numbers, and/or emails of interested students.

Be sure to make a point of following up with any students that demonstrate interest in your club. Even if you think they will for sure come to your meetings, contact them and let that know that you are excited for them to join in, make sure that they know when and where the meeting is going to be. Greet new participants at the meeting and do introductions to familiarize and help ease any discomfort that they may feel in this new setting. Additionally, you might want to consider coming up with a short ice-breaker as a way to introduce existing members to new members, and engage them in something fun right away!

Other Activities/Events and Resources for Recruitment

Be aware that any and every flier, activity, and event that you do is an opportunity to highlight your club and gain new members. Consider tabling to advertise an event or just for viability. Utilize the Reader board (this is above the main doors in Van Tassell, send an email out to the campus telling about who you are and inviting others to participate in your club.

Just remember to...

  • Craft your messages and posters in a way that is easy to read and informative - if others cannot clearly read and understand, they are not likely to take the time to seek you out
  • Structure your activities and events in a way that is inviting to all participants - be mindful of various pieces of accessibility, whether mobility limitations, visual/hearing impairments, transportation barriers, etc.
    • For guidance on how you can be more inclusive in your programming, we can help connect you with the Student Access office, and/or the Diversity & Equity Coordinator

Make recruitment one of your top goals in your discussions and decisions.


 Club Support

It is our hope that you know how much the Campus Life office is invested in the development, growth, survival, and success of your club. Each club brings immeasurable value to the college. Your unique perspectives, goals, and activities not only enrich the college as a whole, but enriches the lives of your peers.

It is our goal to provide you with as much guidance and support as you need. As you plan your activities and events, we understand that at times, navigating college policies, collaborating with various departments, and getting the word out to your peers is not without its challenges. We are here to help you sort out the details in the planning process. Please let us know if and when you need some help. We are here for you! We genuinely enjoy witnessing your success! Your success, is a win not only for your club, but for us, and for the college!