Tutoring Services
Wenatchee Valley College offers in-person and online tutoring services to provide supplemental, instructional support for all WVC students. Tutoring services here at WVC give students a dynamic, collaborative learning opportunity to enhance their educational experiences.
Tutoring Services
These services are available free of charge for all WVC students currently enrolled in classes, regardless of the number of credits, academic program, or academic degree.
Wenatchee Valley College offers free, drop-in, in-person and on-line tutoring to all WVC students taking math and science courses. Ask your instructor for your STEM Center Canvas link.
- In-person tutoring is available in Wenatchi Hall, Room 2205
- Current hours of operation for in-person tutoring:
- Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
- The STEM Tutoring Center is a great place to gather and work on homework
- On-line tutoring is available via Zoom.
- Online hours vary. Most occur in the evenings and some Saturdays.
- The STEM Center Canvas course calendar contains a detailed, daily schedule as well as the Zoom links.
For more information feel free to write or call:
Jackie Browning
Program Manager, WVC STEM Tutoring Center
Phone: 509-682-6587
The WriteLab provides English tutoring services to WVC students for all kinds of writing assignments, documents, and applications. Tutors can help you with planning, revising, or formatting your writing. The WriteLab offers in-person, online, and Zoom options each quarter.
Whatever questions you have about writing, the WriteLab is here to help!
To find out more about the WriteLab Click Here
Want to become a WriteLab in-person tutor? Contact Janna Goodyear.
The Languages and Communication Lab (LCL) in Mish ee twie provides tutoring services to WVC students in World Languages and Communications Studies as well as a place to study. Tutors can help you with your Spanish, Japanese or ASL homework, speech preparation and can teach you how to use the language-learning tools at your disposal. Each quarter, the LCL offers in-person tutoring, with the potential for Zoom meetings as well. We also offer a small lending library and a recording studio for student projects. To find out more about the space and the services we offer at the Languages and Communication Lab, stop on by Room 1309 (third floor) of Mish ee twie or contact us by email or phone.
For faculty interest in booking our space, please reach out to Languages & Communication Lab Coordinator: Emerson Peek
Contact Information:
Email: lcl@wvc.edu
Phone: (509) 682-6478
Mish ee twie (MET) 1309
All currently enrolled WVC students are eligible to use the FREE online tutoring service offered by a group of colleges in Washington, Oregon and Idaho. Live online tutoring is available for:
- Accounting
- Anatomy & Physiology
- Biology
- Calculus
- Chemistry
- Economics
- Engineering (Circuits & Digital Systems)
- Mathematics (Developmental through Trigonometry)
- MS Office
- Outpatient Medical Coding
- Pathophysiology & Pharmacology
- Physics
- Spanish
- Statistics
- Web Development (xHTML, CSS, and Adobe Dreamweaver)
- Writing
To access online tutoring, you will need your student ID number. You can start right now!
For additional assistance contact Brett McGinnis at bmcginnis@wvc.edu
Tutoring in Academic Support Programs
Wenatchee Valley College offers academic and financial support programs to all eligible students. These specific programs offer their own tutoring services in their available support options.
The College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) at Wenatchee Valley College is a federally funded* program designed to help students from migrant and seasonal farmworking backgrounds during their first year of college. It provides academic and financial support services to empower students so they have a strong foundation to build upon as they work toward a bachelor's degree.
CAMP also collaborates with college instructors, student services and community-based organizations to improve educational opportunities for all students to be successful.
Phone: (509) 682-6973
Email: camp@wvc.edu
Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) offers academic and professional support services to qualifying students who intend to transfer to four-year universities in pursuit of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) majors.
MESA students have access to a dedicated student center (located in Eller-Fox 3016), available Monday-Friday, where they can gather to study, meet with tutors, make new friends and engage in science. At the MESA center, students have access to computers, whiteboards, a refrigerator and microwave, and copies of the latest STEM textbooks. MESA students will also find noteworthy science news and internship opportunities posted at the center.
Contact MESA@wvc.edu.
The Wenatchee Valley College Student Grants and Transitional Studies Department Lab serve students of WVC with financial and academic supports. AmeriCorps National Service Volunteers serving at Wenatchee Valley College are Mentors/Tutors that will provide full-time tutoring and assist students with FAFSA/WAFSA applications, scholarship applications, technical help, and other resources that may help students make their college experience successful.
In-person tutoring and academic support:
Meet with a mentor/tutor in person Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5 p.m. in Mish ee twie (MET) 1132 or contact tutor/mentor via email to meet at a specific date and time.
AmeriCorps National Service Volunteer & WVC Mentor/Tutor: Donna Henderson
Email: dhenderson@wvc.edu
AmeriCorps National Service Volunteer & WVC Mentor/Tutor: Yatzari Martinez-Guerra
Email: ymartinez-guerra@wvc.edu
Since 2015 TRIO Student Support Services at Wenatchee Valley College has provided academic and other support services to over 400 students. We helps students persist, graduate, and transfer to a four-year institution. WVC's TRIO SSS team provides individualized support to 140 participants every academic year. We cover topics such as: financial literacy, tutoring, academic advising, transfer assistance, career planning, and more. Our participants are first-generation (parents do not have a bachelor's degree), meet federal income requirements, and/OR have a documented disability. Nearly half of WVC students are eligible to participate in TRIO SSS. All students who are interested in a bachelor's degree are encouraged to apply or complete our eligibility quiz below. Our staff make efforts to help students identify other resources if they are not eligible for TRIO SSS.
Want to become a tutor?
Contact Brett McGinnis at bmcginnis@wvc.edu